awrf-blog-series Summer and the heat may seem far away, but the time is now to prepare your employees on safety when they work in hot environments, or are exposed to UV radiation and glare. Some of the heat-related illnesses include heat exhaustion, heat cramps, and heat stroke, the most dangerous diagnosis.

Employers are urged to do a risk assessment before the hot weather is upon us to make sure that proper conditions for their employees are put into place. Some of these risk assessments include the following:

  • The air temperature and UV radiation levels that the employees will be exposed to
  • The overall health of the employees
  • Humidity, ventilation, and the air movement rate in the workplace
  • Proper first aid/emergency supplies are on sight at all times
  • Training and informing employees prior to the risks becoming an issue

worker-stock-photo-istock While there can be much more to assessing risk for heat related injuries, these important steps are crucial to ensuring safety. Work early with your employees to make this summer

enjoyable while keeping the safety of everyone a priority.

Available for Free to AWRF Members, read more about Preparing Your Employees on Safety in the Slingmakers Archive Issue Number 113